Sketching around the Mt. Takao

This is my record for hiking in the mountain and sketching around. As a landscape designer, being a natural place is the best way to get inspiration.

At this time, I visited Mt.Takao, which is one of the most famous mountains in Tokyo. Even it was written in the Michelin guide book! This mountain is 599m high and has multiple routes to access to the top.

If you are staying in the center of Tokyo, the Keio line is the most convenient way to visit here. Get on the train from the Shinjuku station and you can reach just around 1 hour.

After arrived, I decided to conduct a couple of sketches before going to the mountain since there are beautiful Japanese sceneries surrounded even in this area. First, I picked a place on the small bridge called Torohashi.

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An old street alongside the river is beautifully restored and renovated. It makes a picturesque scenery.

The next sketch was around the railway station.

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Houses and lights represent the good old days in Japan.

A wooden structure set at the station made space to put hanging baskets.

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Also, several containers were set around the station to make this place more greenery.

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I would like to make and put these kinds of stuff, especially in the center of Tokyo since we need to improve the environment there.

There are six main routes plus one other route to hike up to the Mt. Takao from this station, and I decided to choose No.6 at this time since this is the way to walk along the river and we can feel nature directly.

After start walking only a few minutes, you can see a mass of Iris cristata on this route.

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The flower beautifully blooms during April-May and dies just one day after blooming. It sounds sad, but since there are so many Iris cristata on this way, you can enjoy this view without worrying about their life cycle.

It is said that Iris cristata came from China a long time ago, and became wild in Japan, especially around the residential area.

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While walking this way, you can find a variety of bushes, plants, and trees include maple, cedar, and oak.  It seems a small stream gives energy to the plants.

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The walking path is not paved, but no obstacle. You can go ahead without having any stress if you are healthy enough. Sometimes, I encountered exciting roots arts.

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Even just 1hour from the center of Tokyo, this mountain contains more than 1600 plants.

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Since this route seems less popular compared with others and less possibility to encounter lots of people, I recommend you to pick it if you want to focus on nature observation. After that, I’m sure you would be surprised at so many people at the top.

After having a cup of tea, I started walking down from the mountain. I pick the No.1 route at this time since I wanted to visit the Yakuo-in temple. (Please check the link; Yakuo-in temple)

This is my sketch at the temple.

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This picture is the actual view of the place I sketched. I like the contrast of the green tree color and red temple.

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Then, coming back to the station. I’m sure this mountain provides an easy but enjoyable hike experience for almost everyone!

The station is also renovated and became bigger than I knew. I would like to visit again to sketch this station.


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