Bamboo work for Ikebana master

In order to help one of the most famous ikebana masters in Tokyo, I visited at her place around Kichijyogi area. It was really nice weather and lots of people were hanging out in Inogashira park (a huge park in Tokyo). Today’s work was processing bamboo for her next ikebana exhibition. Since it also will be in photographed for a magazine, I needed to make them flawlessly. With a little bit of pressure, I started working on it.

DSCF0034 1024x683 - Bamboo work for Ikebana master
Processing bamboo

Although I have had lots of opportunities to use bamboo in my profession, I don’t often get to use it in a more artistic way. All the tools I am using for this project are the same one I use for my professional work.

DSCF0035 2 1 1024x683 - Bamboo work for Ikebana master
processing bamboo(zoom)

Don’t miss this exhibition!